
Lauren Thoman

Author of "I'll Stop the World" and "You Shouldn't Be Here"

You've found me! I'm Lauren, and I write speculative novels for teens and adults, along with the occasional freelance pop culture article (my bylines include TheWrap, Parade, and Vulture, among other major entertainment industry publications). Here you will find book and event updates, exclusive sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes trivia (and even the occasional giveaway!), writing advice, pop culture recommendations, and general musings about whatever is currently occupying my brain. Welcome!

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Announcing the You Shouldn't Be Here TOUR! Plus a release date change.

Hello friends, and happy almost-summer! Spring has, like every other season, been busy. I don't know why I always think each season is going to be quieter than the last. That's almost never how it goes, and yet I continue to stubbornly hold out hope. I continue to be utterly obsessed with my plants (I actually think I have some arriving in the mail later today!), and may have gotten slightly carried away, but also who cares. Every day, I kick off my morning with a little plant walk where I...

2 days ago • 8 min read

First things first, the winner of my giveaway for a physical ARC of You Shouldn't Be Here is MARCY S.! Congratulations, Marcy! Thanks everyone for playing along, and stay tuned for more giveaways in the future! Who else functions more or less like a plant? This is a thing I've realized about myself in recent years; my energy level tends to directly coincide with how sunny and warm it is. If it's gray or cold, I essentially go dormant, but as soon as the sun comes out and the temperature...

2 months ago • 11 min read

Happy Leap Day! What is everyone doing with their 24 hours of Bonus February? Here in middle Tennessee, the weather has decided to celebrate by getting abruptly cold again after being mild for the past week, which tricked my dormant flowers into peeking through to the surface just in time to freeze them again. Clearly the weather is a troll. The past week has been one of several fun developments on the You Shouldn't Be Here front. First, completely unexpectedly, a box of ARCs (advance reader...

3 months ago • 6 min read

It has come to my attention that attempting to embed Instagram links is breaking my newsletters, so that best-case scenario, the pictures don't load, and worst-case, the entire thing is gibberish. Lesson learned! From now on, Instagram is dead to me. Long live downloading-and-uploading. Anyway, if my last couple newsletters looked wonky (or just flat-out didn't work), here they are again. A smattering of wee updates What all goes into publishing a book, anyway? My apologies for the...

4 months ago • 1 min read

So I promised my next newsletter would be more interesting, and while I do have a couple updates to share (nothing major, calm down), those updates actually tie in nicely to a thing I've been meaning to write about for a while. I get asked a lot "what's happening with the book," and while of course the process is going to look a little different from author to author and publisher to publisher, the basic components tend to be the same. Now, this is only going to address traditional...

4 months ago • 18 min read

Hello, all! It is a thoroughly dreary day outside today, which makes me want to do zero things, but unfortunately, life demands that I do at least a few. This is not likely to be the most loquacious newsletter (don't worry; I'll make up for it later), but there are a few little updates that I wanted to share with you before too much more time passed. A Night of Thrills First of all, if you're located here in Nashville or the surrounding areas, I'd love to see you this Friday night at Bound...

4 months ago • 3 min read

Happy New Year, y'all! It's 2024, although I fully anticipate I'll be writing the date wrong for at least the next four months, possibly longer. It seems my brain's reluctance to step into the future grows deeper with every passing year, and I suspect that eventually, when I am old and withered, I will probably plant myself at a point in time and refuse to go any further. My great-grandchildren will be wondering why I am still insisting it is 2046 in 2080 and other family members will remind...

4 months ago • 12 min read

Happy day-after-Christmas, or 11-days-after-Hanukkah, or first day of Kwanza, or just Tuesday! I hope that whatever time of year this is for you, it's been treating you well, or at least gently. The end of December can be a difficult time for many (along with literally being a dark time; thanks, Winter Solstice!), and if that is you, I want you to know that you are not alone, and that it's okay to not feel jolly this time of year. Wherever you are this season, my wish for us all is that we...

5 months ago • 12 min read

I told y’all it would happen soon and, well, it did. Less than 24 hours after my last newsletter hit your inboxes, the cover of my next book went live online. I have no excuse for waiting until now to send out an update, other than it’s the end of the year and I am tired. But better late than never! Here it is, in all its glory: ISN’T IT GORGEOUS??? I cannot fully express how much I love it. The designer is Caroline Teagle Johnson and I think she just knocked it out of the park. Not only does...

5 months ago • 3 min read

It’s been a busy couple weeks! I hope the end of November has treated you well, whether that means quiet time spent at home or travel to see loved ones, big elaborate dinners or simple bites. For me, I spent the weekend before Thanksgiving participating in WriterFest here in Nashville, a conference for writers of all stripes to gather and learn and be inspired by industry experts, authors, songwriters, poets, and other writing professionals. I participated on a “Creating Your Characters”...

6 months ago • 9 min read
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